Explore Cohort

The Explore Cohort is designed to accommodate both beginners and those with more advanced experience. Participants will work in small teams (typically five to six members) to develop a project of their choosing. This cohort focuses on providing a full project experience, from initial idea to final deployment. We are accepting between 100 - 120 members. We highly recommend that you apply for this role, even if you are interested in research or product. General Meetings are on Mondays, 6:50-8pm, and start October 28th should you be accepted.


Project Topics:

While the focus of the project is flexible, teams are highly encouraged to align their ideas with areas where the Tech Directors have the most expertise—specifically in web development and machine learning/AI. However, projects outside of these fields are welcome as long as they are technically feasible.

Key Milestones:

Who Should Join:

Research Cohort

The Research Cohort is aimed at individuals with limited research experience who are interested in learning how to conduct research, particularly in the field of machine learning. Participants will work in small groups to explore topics they are passionate about while gaining hands-on experience in the research process. We are recruiting a total of nine people for this cohort.


Support and Guidance: